즐거운 일상의 캠페인   종이팩 재활용 프로젝트 
밀크로드 milkroad  
2019 ~ 현재
All roads are connected
나, 당신 그리고 모두의 지구를 위한 길    

Hong Kong is dizzy, complex, sensuous and colorful. It is my goal of this project to include it.
They welcomed the camera and honored my project. It was rather glorified.
The Hong Kong project is unforgettable.

2016-17/3 - 12

Feeling different at the same time
That is the charm of Hong Kong. It is the charm of the country that is busy and relaxing.

The color and saturation are different because the weather changes from time to time. However,
they were all photographed in natural light. It is the fashion of Hong Kong.

Private Exhibition --- 2018. 1

My project, and, privte exhidition
Poster design by me.

Thanks to my work 'the road hong-kong',
my first solo exhibition was held.
I worked on all the used image works and posters of the personal exhibition.

Other Projects

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